Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Free Prezi Alterative: Dynamic Presentation for Better Communication

Known as one of the most dynamic communication tool since 2009, Prezi can help create dynamic presentation. No doubt it is a very professional presentation tools, however, at the same time, it pays high for some useful functions. If you are seeking a free Prezi alterative, here I would like to recommend this best alterative- the powerful free presentation tool Focusky.

“Focusky seems to be a great option for those who use concept mapping or digital story telling during a speech. It would be communication tools for those visual audiences to understand a topic and the idea. “Review of one of Focusky’s user.

Below we can learn more about Focusky: 

Brand New Experience on Presentation 
Unlike boring slide to slide pattern of traditional presentation, Focusky is the best free Prezi alternative, which breaks the traditional thought on digital presentation.  The engaging zoom and pan effect Focusky offered makes audience like watching an interesting movie during the speech. Focusky brings audiences a brand new experience on presenting ideas.

Multi-language Supported
This free function of Focusky provides you with the ability to edit presentation with different languages, so that people all over the world can easily become a user of Focusky and well view and understand the created presentation. Focusky supports most language input, such as English, Chinese, Arabic, Latin, German, French, Japanese, Korean, etc.

Publish to Your Website

Are you struggling in building your own web space? Now with Focusky, you will have your own one immediately. Focusky offers the online platform for you to create and upload presentation online.  And the Focusky output digital presentation as HTML format can be uploaded to your website for online presenting. Plus, the html presentation can be read on both Windows and Mac hard drives.

1 comment:

  1. Chou et al. [1], investigate the effectiveness of various digital presentation tools (PowerPoint and Prezi) on students learning performance. Their results show that Prezi is a more efficient instructional medium for knowledge acquisition compared with traditional instruction; however, PowerPoint demonstrated instructional effectiveness on only the long-term learning retention of the students compared with traditional instruction. Hence; combining the power of a slide-based software (such as PowerPoint) and a canvas-based product (such as Prezi) can enhance the effectiveness of current digital presentation tools in universities.

    I would like to introduce Academic Presenter that I built for my Ph.D. presentation. Now, it is freely available. Academic Presenter combines the potency of slideware presentation software products with canvas-ware. Users can switch between two common presentation trends based on the level of details; for introducing general topics, they can employ a nonlinear flow and switch to a conventional linear presentation for exhibiting details.You may want to learn more by looking at my YouTube channel where I uploaded tutorial videos.

    Download Link:
    YouTube Channel:

